Friday, June 28, 2019


When the people talk about favorite series or movies, is very difficult for me find one answer.
I don't have just one option, you have many options. I don't select just one, so... in this post I wanna talk about the last serie I watched

"3%" is the last serie I watched in Netflix, is a Brazilian TV serie. (I love listing the character talk in portuguese) "3%" is a... similar... apocalyptic serie (I think) in the serie you can see social problems, how the society broken in two parts, the "normal" persons and... the all the people can have the possibility of  life fine, life in the big house whit many food in resume the good life.

Now, how the persons have this good life?, so... this come the central history, the people have demonstrate your intelligent and work in a group and only 3% the people achieve pass of the "good life"

Apart from the good history, the select of the frames is so beautiful, use mirrors and glasses for play whit the place and actors, and produce more mystery in the spectator.

Friday, June 7, 2019


The word of cine, in the cine-and all about of cine-the roles is very important. Each piece produce effects in the final product-the film-

For start the filming and before all, you need one idea. In this moment the work is very hardy. How start the script?, What I need really?
For write the history in the correct format you should make your script in "CELTX"
You can use Celtx for write scripts in the correct format, in the formal format.

If you need the script for explain your idea or postulate for get a money for your film, celtx can you help. Is the website very easy when you use. Inclusive you can have celtx in your computer how the program.

In the booth ways-the program or the website- Celtx is the same, the same logic for use. Really is very easy write with celtx, in the left zone of the screen you can see many tools for explain you how use celtx. 
With celtx can you search the form easy for write your scrip.


Friday, May 31, 2019

Gender Roles

How explain: "No, you can´t do´it"
How this have any logic for someone?, really I don´t see the logic, it´s incoherent for me.
Today, the gender roles produce insecuirity in many people. Inclusive little thing create behavior based in "Gender Roles" and in this point the people, the society (in general) constitute this sistem, the violent sistem.

The violent sistem have influence in all the people, in different scale, but all the people is impacted for the sistem what avaerybody created.
The solution stay in us behavior, in us lenguage, in how talk, in us humor, in everything.

In others places the gender roles take other ways, other type of violence. For example: if, I "shoud" look the this one, in other palce of the word, "I should look the other form"
It´s very crazy believe in this form of the life, when you and me stay in the violent sistem, when you and me not have permission for exist...

It´s not fine reduce the behavior the people, I don´t have just one way. If the socity have problems with my form of live my life, not is my problem.

Normally, the mondady I going to practice poledane, my class is very small, seven persons, and... six womens and one men, I don´t know "why". This men is the only men of the academy. "what is wrong?"

Thursday, May 30, 2019


This picture taken in the last summer, in my holidays when I went at the beach whit mi exgirlfriend and mi best friend (and your girlfriend)
Honestly, I love this picture. I have any memories with this. For me, this is my manner for take the moment and my feelings.
Although the girl in the picture is my exgirlfriend, I keep the memorie in my how... the one of the best moments of my summer this year.
I remember, something weird when taken this picture, is very difficult take one picture in the water, you not see very well, you dont know nothing about the picture.
Today, this picture only produce in me... happiness.
I think... the pictures use our memorie, manage the (you and me) mind. (In the good side of the work)
The pictures have the big power about our memories and our concepction of the places, people, all.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

My Hobbie

Hello everyone
In this time Im going to talk about: "Hobbies"
For me is very hard talk about "my hobbie" What is this? What is "hobbie"? How I know when I have a hobbie?
Im play violin, mybe this is my hobbie but Im not sure.
Really, when I play violin not is a lot time. Aprox, 5 year ago my activity favorite was play violin.
In the high school, I was participate in class of violin for later prepare a show for the all school.
Now is different (a lot of drama), I dont have a time for play violin.
The violin is my favorite musical instrument because is a different, I don't play violin everytime. The violin need space, the particular space so the experience whit the violin it's different.
At the moment is important for me go on with this hobbie, really make me happy the violin.
Over the years the music and play instruments cause in me goods sensations.

Friday, April 26, 2019

My favourite piece of technology

I have a question, what's your favourite piece of technology?
But, what is technology? I believe that everything around us has to do with technology. So, my favourite piece of technology is my glasses.
I've been wearing glasses for 6 years. I don't remember what my life was like before I started to wear glasses. I don't picture myself not wearing my glasses. The first thing I do in the morning is putting on my glasses.
I need my glasses all the time (ok, maybe not all the time)
But I need see averything, the bus in the street, the tv in my house, the board in class and the most important, I can recognize my friends in anywhere.
The day I don't have my glasses in street, I can't recognize none person (unless the person be close to me)
Really, I don't like use glasses, but if I don't use glasses my experience in the street so bad :(

Resultado de imagen para gif glasses draw

Thursday, April 18, 2019


Hello, this is my second post.
This time talk about the reason for I choose my career.
When I'm 10 years old, I have one dream; I wanted work in the movies, I did want be actress but... I don't know, in the actuality I want be actress although I don't a good job.
When the moment of applying at University, I didn't have only options because I liked many thinks, I like the science, the music, I wanted be teacher of physical.
Eventually, I decided applying at University:
-Pedagogy of physical
-Pedagogy of math
-Filmmaking (in Santiago and Valparaiso)
-Nursery school teacher
I actually have my choice.
I like so much the cine and the idea of "make movies" is perfect, also the experience at University is very crazy (in the right sense) I love the people, the teachers, the class although not alls the class.
In the future, any work it's fine of me BUT I like the direction of art or something about the camera and how watch the image.

Friday, April 12, 2019

My Autobiography

(here you have my autobiography)
My name is Ana (but, it´s a better "Ani" for me), I studying film-making at Universidad the chile, and I´m 18 years old. I love the music, listen music, play the violin and sing, but I can´t sing , I´m a bad singer :( but I can dancing whit the rhythm of music.
I have two piercings and I want more, I want make a tattoo in all my arm but is only a dream.
I was born in Santiago, Chile, on May 14th 2000. I like and I hate Santiago, this is a hard relationship.
I live in a small apartment with my little family, I have one older sister, Elisa, she work in the Independencia Municipality (we live in), she is a very cool because she can make anything.
My mom, Maricarmen, she work all the day, 12 hours continuous. When my mom stay in the home, she only want sleep, but i get, I try to make laugh, sincerely I don´t have to make a lot for it.
Finally mi father, Reinaldo, he work all the week, really I don´t see so much because he live in other house, but the relation whit him it´s very well (i think so). I can talk whit my father, although the conversation it´s the same every time. I love mi father.