The word of cine, in the cine-and all about of cine-the roles is very important. Each piece produce effects in the final product-the film-
For start the filming and before all, you need one idea. In this moment the work is very hardy. How start the script?, What I need really?
For write the history in the correct format you should make your script in "CELTX"
You can use Celtx for write scripts in the correct format, in the formal format.
If you need the script for explain your idea or postulate for get a money for your film, celtx can you help. Is the website very easy when you use. Inclusive you can have celtx in your computer how the program.
In the booth ways-the program or the website- Celtx is the same, the same logic for use. Really is very easy write with celtx, in the left zone of the screen you can see many tools for explain you how use celtx.
With celtx can you search the form easy for write your scrip.
Wow, Celtx is really a good website for filmmaker, lot of them didn't know how write in the correct format (y)